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General Foch's Challenge: Weather and Logistics in the Battle of the Somme
- Discover the challenges faced by General Ferdinand Foch during the Battle of the Somme.
- Learn how persistent rain and fog turned the battlefield into a swamp and hindered military operations.
- Understand the logistical difficulties of transporting supplies to the front lines in a devastated area.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
>General Ferdinand Foch the commander of groupe des armées du nord (Northern Army Group) and co-ordinator of the armies on the Somme, was unable to continue the sequential attacks by the Anglo-French armies achieved in September, because persistent rain, mist and fog grounded aircraft, turned the battlefield into a swamp and greatly increased the difficulty of transporting supplies to the front over the few roads in the area and the land that had been devastated since 1 July. ⇒北部方面軍グループの指揮官にしてソンムの戦いでの方面軍同士のまとめ役フェルディナント・フォッシュ将軍は、9月に編成された英仏共同軍によって連続攻撃を維持することができくなった。というのも、持続的な雨、靄、霧が航空機を地面にはり付け、戦場を沼に変えて、7月1日以来荒廃した地域の、それも数少ない道を通って前線へ必需品を輸送することが、極めて困難になったからである。