A spokesman for the Commission, and French and German representatives, declined to comment on the meeting. The Commission spokesman stressed the EU executive was preparing for Britain to maintain its membership of the 28-nation bloc.
“We don’t have a Plan B,” Alexander Winterstein said.
European leaders have postponed a regular EU summit that should have been held on June 23-24 until June 28-29, to give themselves four days to digest the result of the British vote.
If the Leave campaign wins, officials expect the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and others to be ready to respond to heavy market volatility on Friday, June 25.
>A spokesman for the Commission, and French and German representatives, declined to comment on the meeting. The Commission spokesman stressed the EU executive was preparing for Britain to maintain its membership of the 28-nation bloc.
“We don’t have a Plan B,” Alexander Winterstein said.
☆ stressed:「強調した、強調して(~と)言った」。
☆ Plan B:「プランB=残留以外の計画」。
☆ be preparing for ― to ~:「―が~する(という)心づもりをしている」。
☆ Alexander Winterstein:ドイツ人名、「アレクサンダー・ヴィンターシュタイン」。
>European leaders have postponed a regular EU summit that should have been held on June 23-24 until June 28-29, to give themselves four days to digest the result of the British vote.
☆ have postponed a regular EU summit that should~:「~すべくEU サミットの例会を延期した」。
⇒ヨーロッパの指導者達は英国の投票結果を熟考する(受け止める)ための四日間をみずからに与えるために、EU サミットの例会を延期し、6月の23日~24日の開催(予定)を6月28日~29日の開催とした。
>If the Leave campaign wins, officials expect the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and others to be ready to respond to heavy market volatility on Friday, June 25.
☆ If the Leave campaign wins:「もし離脱運動が勝つことになっても」。
☆ expect ― to be ready to ~:「― が ~する準備ができていると予想する」。
☆ expect:「予期する、覚悟する」。
>A spokesman for the Commission, and French and German representatives, declined to comment on the meeting. The Commission spokesman stressed the EU executive was preparing for Britain to maintain its membership of the 28-nation bloc.
“We don’t have a Plan B,” Alexander Winterstein said.
☆ stressed:「強調した」。
☆ Plan B:「プランB=残留以外の計画」。
☆ Alexander Winterstein:ドイツ人名、「アレクサンダー・ヴィンターシュタイン」。
>European leaders have postponed a regular EU summit that should have been held on June 23-24 until June 28-29, to give themselves four days to digest the result of the British vote.
☆ have postponed a regular EU summit that should~:「~すべくEU サミットの例会を延期した」。
⇒ヨーロッパの指導者達は英国の投票結果を熟考するための四日間をみずからに与えるために、EU サミットの例会を延期し、6月の23日~24日を6月28日~29日に開催するものとした。
>If the Leave campaign wins, officials expect the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and others to be ready to respond to heavy market volatility on Friday, June 25.
☆ expect:「予期する、覚悟する」。