before goodwill の意味がわかりません。
Economist の記事です。
この中で、"before goodwill" の意味がつかめません。辞書を見る限り、好意とか善意とか出てきますが、何か全く異なる意味のような気がします。
Still, there have been some surprises. Lloyds TSB, a British bank, caused a ripple or two when it said late last month that the change to IFRS would cut this year's pre-tax profit by 8%, more than expected. A report in April by UBS, a Swiss bank, put the average absolute change in profits (before goodwill) of companies that had then announced results under IFRS at 12%. That hides a wide range. Deutsche Telekom's profit in 2004 was two-thirds lower under the new rules than under the old one, while Alcatel's and Telecom Italia's were more than twice as high.