The Controversy Surrounding Sony Pictures and the Movie 'The Interview'
The movie 'The Interview' has sparked controversy after Sony Pictures Entertainment cancelled its release due to terror threats and cyberattacks.
China's foreign ministry has urged the United States and North Korea to respond calmly to the situation and solve their problems in a calm and appropriate manner.
The decision by Sony Pictures to cancel the release of the movie has drawn criticism, with many accusing the firm of giving in to intimidation and undermining freedom of expression.
Later, the Sony Pictures reversed its decision amid growing criticism that the firm gave in to intimidation and undermined the freedom of expression.
"Sony Pictures"は会社名のようです。
China's foreign ministry is urging the United States and North Korea to respond calmly to US movie "The Interview".
It is a comedy about the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
A spokesperson for the foreign ministry, Hua Chunying, said at a news conference on Friday that the movie has created controversy.
She said the United States and North Korea should solve their problems in a calm and appropriate manner.
The movie has drawn international attention after Sony Pictures Entertainment had cancelled the release due to terror threats against theaters.
The film studio suffered cyberattacks from an unknown group.
North Korea reacted sharply to a conclusion by the US government that the North was behind the attack.
Later, the Sony Pictures reversed its decision amid growing criticism that the firm gave in to intimidation and undermined the freedom of expression.
You would use "the" in front of General Electric Company or Microsoft Corporation when referring to them as a company:
I work for General Electric.
He works for the General Electric Company
Microsoft has a massive new promotion going on.
The Microsoft Corporation has again dropped market share.
通常はtheを付けない固有名詞にtheを付けるのは、その固有名詞の特定の時/状態を指すときなど、よくありますが? もしかして、教条的に「もともとtheがない固有名詞にtheは付けない」と思い込んでますか?
Tom is much smarter than the Tom five years ago.
示されている文章では、最初の決定を覆した時点のSony Picturesだと明示しているということ(なお、全文転載は著作権の問題があるので、URLだけ示すほうがよい)。
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