It is possible to be too much conce
It is possible to be too much concerned even with one's own salvation.
It is this uncertainty,with its various consequences,that
makes politics the most hazardous of all manly professions.
If there is not another in which a man can do so much good to
his fellow-creatures,neither is there any in which,by a
cowardly act or by a mere loss of nerve,he may so easily lose
his own soul.But danger is the inseparable companion of honour.
The greatest deeds in history were not done by people who thought
of safety first.It is possible to be too much concerned even with
one's own salvation.There will not be much hope left for humanity
when men are no longer willing to risk their immortal as well as
their mortal parts.With all temptation, dangers and degradations
that beset it politics is still,I think,the noblest career that
any man can choose.
今回もすごくいい教えをありがとうございます。 形容詞などを修飾する副詞は very/so など限られたものなのすね。もっとたくさんあるのかと思っていました。onlyのように名詞を修飾する副詞もありますよね。 普通の形容詞のように名詞の性質や状態を説明する、修飾する、というのとは違うとのことですが、much moreがまさにそれにあたるのかと察しました。 これからもご指導の程どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。