‘Are you sure you can remember all this?’
‘You have to concentrate, Alex,’ my father is saying. ‘How can you remember things if you don’t concentrate?’
‘I try,’ I say.
‘Well, try trying a bit harder.’(前回の終わりの部分です)
‘I'll remember,' I say again.
‘Well, it doesn't matter if you don't. I can give you a copy on Thursday. Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' I can tell he's joking.
‘Yes,' I say. ‘Fruit segments, sometimes. Some other stuff.'
‘Really? I didn't know that. Well well. And last of all – there are others, like I said, but these are the ones she's keenest to get you to talk about –starbursts and seedheads; dandelions particularly, apparently, and motifs with the same shape-patterns as dandelion seedheads. So. Think you can come up with something for her?'
*【In my head there is a ghost of a voice: my voice, lodged somewhere out of sight in a different time. It's still a crap joke, Jamie, I hear myself saying; and a moment later, there is the ghost of Jamie's voice also: All the best ones are.】
I say, ‘I'll try.'
「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。
Well, it doesn't matter if you don't. のyou don'tのところは動詞が続いていないのですが、「君(Alex)が僕(Max)の言ったことを忘れないなら問題ないよ」という意味になるのでしょうか?
I can give you a copy on Thursday. Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' I can tell he's joking. で、I can tell he's jokingと言っているのはどういうジョークをMaxが言っているのでしょうか?(どの部分がジョークと言えるようになっているのでしょうか?そもそもDid you know there were~と聞くこと自体がナンセンスみたいなことなのでしょうか?)
Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?'
‘Yes,' I say. ‘Fruit segments, sometimes. Some other stuff.'
‘Really? I didn't know that. Well well. And last of all – there are others,~
Think you can come up with something for her?の個所は、本来はDo you think~なのでしょうか?Thinkが前に出て来ているのはなぜなのでしょうか?(命令形?)