下記の英文の最後のus none the wiserの部分ではどのような語句が省略されているのでしょうか。
The cloth King Edward had sent home with me was quickly turned into a wedding gown by my mother's dressmakers. For a week I was measured and draped and prodded and turned and remarked upon. It was beautiful cloth and I should have been happy, but I wasn't. I was miserable with worry about Edward. He could, at any given moment, be dead, and we would never know it. So
I went about my days knowing that while I ate, or studied, or was measured for that fool gown, Edward might be lying dead in the palace, and us none the wiser.
また、I went about my days knowing~はどのように解釈したらよいでしょうか。go about my daysで何かの熟語でknowingは分詞構文なのか、もしくはmy daysは副詞でgo about ~ingと考えたらよいのでしょうか。
知覚動詞❗️ おもいだしました(^^) 有り難うございました。