britain is an old country with a large store of myths and legends.
many of these stories cluster around Glastonbury,a small town in the southwestern county of somerset.
one such story even states that jesus visited glastonbury when he was a young boy.
perhaps the most famous character associated with glastonbury is king arthur.
most of the stories associated with arthur are legends,but it is likely that they were based on a real person.
arthur was probably a 6th-century british military leader who fought against the anglo-saxon invaders.
in the stories,however,arthur became a larger-than-life hero.
according to one legend,the british people were desperately looking for a leader to protect them against the anglo-saxon invaders.
merlin,a great magician,showed the people a sword buried up to its hilt in a rock.
he said that the person who could pull the sword out would be king.
the strongest men in the country all tried in vain.
but arthur,who was just a boy,was able to pull the sword out easily,and so became king.
arthur had a courageous band of followers called the knights of the round table.
they were constantly going off in search of adventure.
often,the aim of their quests was to find the holy grail,which,according to some interpretations,was the cup from which jesus and his disciples had drunk on the evening before jesus was killed.
the legends were sometimes romantic:one tells of one of arthur'sknights,sir lencelot,having a love affair with arthur's beautiful wife,guinevere.
eventually,arthur was fatally wounded in a battle.
he ordered one of his knights to take his magic sword,excalibur,and throw it into the lake.
as he did,an arm reached out from the middle of the lake,caught the sword and slowly pulled it under the surface.
the legend says that before arthur died,three mysterious women carried him away in a boat and took him to glastonbury,where he was buried.
glastonbury today attracts thousands of people who are fascinated by these ancient legends.
it also attracts thousands of music lovers,who go there every june for the glastonbury festival,which began in the 1970s.
it is one of the biggest and most poplar music festivals in britain,and attracts some of the world's most famous and interesting bands.
music fans who go there have to be tough and dedicated,as it almost always rains heavily during the festival period.
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