• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に訳して下さい)


  • 日本の若者は痰を吐いたり、ゴミをポイ捨てしない。エスカレーターに乗る時には、急ぐ人のために片側を空けている。交差点では必ず青信号になるまで待つ。
  • 日本のレストランやバー、喫茶店、商店、路上では大声で話す人はいない。ガソリンスタンドでは従業員が車の誘導から給油、会計まですべてやってくれる。
  • 日本の文化や社会の礼儀正しさに感銘を受けた筆者は、「恐るべき高度な文明だ!」と称賛する一方で、中国の現状を嘆いている。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

On the basis of his own experience and what he has heard about Japanese courteousness, the author, a Chinese who traveled through Japan, cites the following: At the time of Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake a money-lender loaned with no interest or mortgage and "unexpectedly" three years later every single loan was paid back. In 1994 after the 12th Asian Games at Hiroshima closed, the stadium that holds 60,000 people had not a speck of dust left. Young people in Japan do not spit or throw trash around. On escalators they keep to one side so those in a hurry can get by; and they always wait at intersections until the traffic light turns green. A Japanese friend advised me that if a single guest uses only one bed in a two-bed room it saves work for the hotel personnel. At petroleum stations the workers there attend to everything, guiding the car, fueling, and settling account so that one does not have to step out of the car. Unmanned roadside store has tangerines for 100 yen a basket. If some people want to steal, they can, but none does and the merchandise is always replenished. In restaurants, bars, coffee shops, stores and in streets there are no loud people. While his article praises Japanese politeness as "unbelievably civilized," it laments over the current situation in his own country as "China has lost her 5,000 years of proud civilization after the Great Cultural Revolution." petroleum stations と訳しましたが、アメリカ英語なら gas stations としてください。



いつもありがとうございます。 参考にして勉強させていただきます。
