英語日記17 私の体験したもっとも悪い日
I think that the most awful thing in my life is the earthquake.
We had had that on the 11th of March. This is the big impact on me. Needless
To say, Japanese worry about it. Actually, I had been experienced two big earthquakes in my life. The first is great Hanshin earthquake. That hit us on the 11th of January in 1995 when I was 4 years old. However, I don’t know exactly what happened that day,
That is why I was a very young, so I didn’t understand what going on.
However, I manage to understand what happened this time. I was working at factory in Japan when the earthquake hit us, but I lived in Shiga and it is far from the focus of an earthquake, so I just didn’t realized the earthquake first time.
I felt a few shakes, so I just felt that I felt dizzy, so it was a big surprised me when I watched on the TV and what happened in Japan.
I was not able to watch other TVs. Kind of dramas or something else. It is because the earthquake that I couldn’t watch others. However, we had gotten over many awful experiences such as World war 2. I hope that we will be able to become more powerful country than we were.
お二人ともありがとうございます。 1.「現時点までの記録」と考えて時制の一致に束縛されずに柔軟に考えるべきなんですね。 2.whenは名詞になれないのですか。 whichの非制限用法ではwhichは主語になれるので、 whenでも名詞になれるのかと思ったのですが。 (例) I am reading the book, which is interesting for me. 3.すみません、お二人の回答が理解できませんでした。 質問は、以下で良いと思うのに何故あえてshallなのか?という質問です。 What time will we arrive at Sapporo if we take this plane? よろしくお願いします。