At last l was in Japan. l stepped out of the plane into the Narita Airport building for the first time. l was
walking towards immigration when 1 saw it. It was the first time in my life. Two Japanese were standing in
front of each other bowing, bowing, and bowing. They seemed to bow for even There was something else though
- something very shocking. They were saying many things, but I could not understand. For the first time, l was
in a country where I could not even guess a single word of the local language. To me, whatever those two people
were saying to each other, it just sounded like noise. However, I could pick up one of the sounds very clearly. It
was DOMO.
On the way out of the airport, I could hear again and again that same domo l had to find out what it was.
Walking right beside me was a French businessman on his second two-day trip to Japan. He looked like an expert
on things Japanese. “Well” he said, “my experience has taught me that it means something like thank you."
Then he went on explaining:. "Whenever you want to thank anyone for anything and be polite at the same tune.
just say ‘domo and it will be all right. And don*t forget. You have to bow every time you say thank you.* On
hearing that I said to myself‘Oh, this is a very useful expression. I must remember it”
ありがとうございます! なるほどです。助かりました。