We just wanted to drop you a line and let you know we haven't
forgotten about you.
Part of your order (#1687936) has not yet shipped because one or more
of the items you wanted are on backorder. Our typical ship time for
backordered items is 3-6 weeks from the date of order, though at times
it can take longer depending on the vendor. Please know we are doing
our best to get this merchandise for you as soon as possible!
Your credit card has not been charged for the backordered items; we do
not charge your card until we ship the items to you.
Also, you are free to cancel any or all unshipped items on your order.
You can do so by using the Your Account function of the website (check
the Help section for more information), or by contacting us with your
order number.
We apologize for the continued delay. If you ever have any questions
about your order, please contact us at orders@eMerchandise.com or
call us at 866-339-2691 (toll free in US and Canada), Monday
through Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm (Pacific Time). When calling
outside of the US and Canada, please dial +1-503-445-8081.
Thank you for your patience and patronage!