- ベストアンサー
have just +過去分詞 1父は今帰宅したばかりです。 2彼らは今香港に着いたところです。 3私は朝食を今済ませたところです。 4四時の列車は今出たばかりです。 have been ~ing 1彼は20分以上待っている。 2私は英語を5年間勉強しています。 3早朝から雨が降っている。 4父はその会社に1955年から勤めています。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
1. My father has just arrived at his home / My father has just back to his own home. 2. They are just arrived at Hong Kong 3. I have just finished breakfast. 4. The 4 o'clock train is just departed. 1. They had been waiting for more than 20 minutes. 2. I had been studying English for mre than 5 years 3. It had been raining frrom early morning. 4.My father had been working for the company from year 1955
御回答有り難うございます!!m(_ _)m