• 締切済み


自分ではうまく伝えられません。どうか英訳をお願いします。 どうしてあなたが私に対して怒っているのか分からない。 あなたは私と結婚しないし、恋人がいると言ったのはあなたでしょ? それなのにこれ以上、どうして私があなたに連絡する必要があるの? 私と私の子供は、あなたにはもう関係ありません。 これまでも、そのことであなたに迷惑をかけたことはありませんでした。 私はこれからもあなたに連絡はしないでしょう。 私にだってプライドはあります。 今、私はやっとあなたのことを忘れたのですよ。 今まであなたにいい加減なことばかり言われ続けて どれぐらい私が辛かったか分かりますか? これ以上あなたのしたいようにできると思ったら大間違いよ。 あなたが私を探しすなら、私は引っ越すでしょう。 もう2度と私に連絡をしないでください。 ここから先、私がどんな道を選ぼうとそれは私の人生です。 あなたは一生自分のことだけを考えて生きていけば? 私とあなたとはもう一切関係ありません。 私を憎むなら、憎んでもいいですよ。 もうあなたからの憎悪も罵倒も慣れっこですから。 私に対して怒る前に、今までどのぐらい私が辛かったかを あなたも考えてみて下さい。


  • mary-ann
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/2)

I just do not understand why you are so angry at me. It was you who told me that you have got a somebody else, and we are not even married either!! So what are you expecting from me, are you seriously expecting me to accept that being in touch with you is my duty????? I have done nothing wrong to you and even been putting up with your disrespectable and selfish attitude towards me for so long. But now it is enough is enough, my child (children) and I are nothing to do with you any more!! I am now enough of being a receiver of your lies and deceits. Do you realise how hurt I am after being treated like I was nothing and seeing me as you can do anything you want over me. So listen, love, I am not going to contact you forever, and I expect you not to hear anything from me again!! Well, let me tell you this which may come to surprise to you, but I have my own pride as well. You are now out of my life forever. And don't bother in trying to find me,, I will simply move out from where I am. So never even try to contact me again forever!! I have my own life to lead, and you have yours. Again, I would clearly tell you now and forever, that from now on, I have nothing to do with you!! And, I don't care if you want to hate me. Because I am so used to your abusive attitude after suffering from it for years, so I am now immune to it. Good bye!!! ごめんなさい、完全な直訳だけじゃなく、少し自分流な言い方になってしまいましたが、私も以前に辛い思いをしたので、あなたの相談を読んだ時、なんとなくnukeさんの今いらっしゃる立場の気持ちが伝わって来ました。これからもうこんな貴方を大切にしないような相手からは絶縁し、貴方とお子さんだけで楽しい充実した未来が来るといいですね。がんばってください。

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

I just don't understand why you are angry at me. It's you that said to me you wouldn't marry me and you had another girlfriend. So don't you think I'm not to blame to get in touch with you any more? Me and my child have nothing to do with you from now on. I guess we haven't cause you any trouble for all these years. I will never get in touch with you for the future since I've got a pride of myself. At last I could forget you. Don't you know how I've been distressed by your ridiculous saying. I won't let you do what you want any more. If you want to find me, I will move. Anyway don't get in touch with me again. It's my life whatever I choose from now on. You'd better live your life thinking about only you. So I have nothing to do with you. Do hate me if you want to. I'm so familiar with your hatred and scorch. But before you get angry with me, you gotta imagine how I have been distressed until now.
