In surprising ways, our systems of timekeeping also mask ancient astrological leanings, which have resisted all efforts of principalities and powers to redefine them. Tabloid newspapers and popular magazines still perpetuate the myths of astrology. Ironically, we shall find that, while the constellations can tell us nothing about the future, they have much to tell us about the past. (The artful universe by J.D.Barrow)
1) , which have resisted all efforts of principalities and powers to redefine them. の意味について、ここでのresistedは「抵抗する」という意味ですか?
our systems of timekeeping (私たちの時間管理のシステム?)は、それら(our systems of timekeeping)を再定義する公国と力のすべての努力に抵抗した。という訳になるのでしょうか?意味がよくとれません。どういう内容なのでしょうか?
*which の先行詞はsystems of timekeeping ですか?
2) Ironically, we shall find that, while the constellations can tell us nothing about the future, they have much to tell us about the past. の意味について、
the myths of astrologyというのはつまり雑誌に載っている星占いのことでしょうか?
だとすると、the constellations can tell us nothing about the future, they have much to tell us about the past.の部分がよくわかりません。