- 締切済み
O. Henry の「千ドル」より
最近質問された O. Henry の "One Thousand Dollars" 内の英文について質問します。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q7724085.html on account of http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/on+account+of ~のため ~の理由で 1) In case of prolonged absence on account of illness, supported by a medical certificate, the Principal may, at his discretion, retain the student's name on the school rolls, provided that fee and funds due from him are paid regularly. Name of a ... 下記の使い方を見ると、くsupported by a medical certはillnessだけでなくprolonged absenceにも掛かると思うのですがまちがっていますか? どちらかといえば一対である 2) the bank, which kept $12,500 on account of a debt owed by the contractor and deposited the balance to the contractor's account. on の前に金額が付くと http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=owed owed by ~が支払うべき 「the contractorが支払うべき負債となる$12,500 」 もしは 「the contractorが支払うべき$12,500の負債 」 3) It appeared that the same day that Mr. Grayson withdrew his proposal on March 15h, 2000, CCRA issued to the trustees a request for payment of over $ 43, 000.00 on account of various tax liabilities owed by Mr. Grayson. 上記と同じ。 ここで質問になります。 > Paid by the black sheep, Robert Gillian, $1,000 on account of the eternal happiness, owed by Heaven to the best and dearest woman on earth. >だから,ここでは Heaven owes happiness to ~でこの女性は神からの幸せを受けるに値するそういう意味で owe を使っているように思います。 ではなく Heaven owes happiness in the amount of $1000 to ~ 千ドルに値する幸福をHeavenは負っている となりませんか? 1) http://www.alasar.org/main/allLinks.php 2) http://masscases.com/cases/sjc/380/380mass829.html 3) http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/bsf-osb.nsf/eng/br01342.html
- みんなの回答 (17)
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- wind-sky-wind
- ベストアンサー率63% (6647/10387)
- wind-sky-wind
- ベストアンサー率63% (6647/10387)
- wind-sky-wind
- ベストアンサー率63% (6647/10387)
- wind-sky-wind
- ベストアンサー率63% (6647/10387)
- 1
- 2
申し訳ないです。写し間違いました。the dearest womenは複数でなく単数でした。論点となる一番大切な句になるのに間違えるとは・・ 失礼しました。 On account of the hapiness owed by Heaven to the dearest woman, $1,000 shall be paid by Robert. vs On account of the hapiness owed by Heaven, $1,000 shall be paid by Rober to the dearest woman. On account of the hapiness owed by Heaven to the dearest woman, Robert shall pay $1,000. vs On account of the hapiness owed by Heaven, Robert shall pay $1,000 to the dearest woman.