- ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:上空を英語では?)
The Correct Preposition for 'Flying Over the Sky' in English
- The correct preposition for the phrase 'flying over the sky' in English is 'over.' However, there may be other prepositions that could be perceived as more natural, such as 'in' or 'though.' This is because 'over' can mean 'on top of' or 'beyond,' which could suggest that the airplane is either in outer space or out of sight from the speaker.
- 'The plane is flying over the sky' is a commonly used expression in English, despite potential concerns about its literal meaning. Native English speakers often use this phrase to describe the movement of an airplane above the sky.
- While the preposition 'over' is the correct choice in the given context, alternative prepositions like 'in' or 'though' can also be considered for a more natural expression. It is important to consider the intended meaning and context of the sentence.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
下記に拠ればover派は劣勢です。 『場違い』とまで糾弾されています。 across, inがこの場合相応しいという派が圧倒的です。 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080214000000AAUbcKF
ありがとうございます。 教育って恐ろしいですね。一人が間違ったことを教えたおかげで、何千、何万人ものの人が間違って覚え、その中の一部の人が また その間違ったことを 何千、何万人ものの人に教えていくわけですからね。罪は大きいですね。