• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の疑問を英語で質問します。)

How to interpret the use of 'over' in a sentence about a flying plane?

  • The use of 'over' in the sentence 'A plane is flying over the sky' raises a question about its interpretation.
  • If 'over' means 'above', it suggests that the plane is in space, which seems unlikely unless it is an artificial satellite or a flying saucer.
  • On the other hand, if 'over' means 'across', it implies that the plane is about to go to the opposite side of the horizon.


  • ベストアンサー

Your understanding is more or less correct. However if I add some comment, I would do this way.... "Over" "above" "on" are the words to express vertical location between two objects. When two objects are touching each other, object A is "ON" object "B". If they are not touching, A is "above" B. If the distance is larger, then A is "over" B. "Across" is not in this vertical group. It's a matter of two-dimention world. "Across" is literally expressing "cross-ing" dimension. These are the very basic explanation of "over" "above" and "on". Of course it is just a principle, there are more variations in the world of language. Thanks for the interesting topic!



回答ありがとうございます。 If an object flies over the sky, it seems to me that it describes some trajectory such as ICBM.
