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Under the threat of strikes, an agreement was reached in the iron and steel industry in 1951
- Under the threat of strikes, an agreement was reached between the DGB chairman, Hans Bockler, and Federal Chancellor, Adenauer in January 1951.
- The agreement embedded the co-determination as practised up to this point into a law of 21 May 1951, with reference only to the mining industry.
- The agreement was a response to the strikes in the iron and steel industry and aimed to address the concerns of the workers through co-determination.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
1951年1月鉄鋼業においてストラキの(発生の)恐れがある状況下で、DGBの議長Hans Bocklerと連邦長官Adenauerとの間である合意に達し、鉱山業のみを参照(あるいは基準に)していたものではあったが、この時点までに実践された共同決議が1951年の「21Way」の条文の中に埋め込まれた。