英The Times紙経済コラム・A modest way of calculating~
英 The Times紙の10月21日付けのコラムからです。タイトルは「Crash! Boom! Disaster! That's enough crazy talk」。
書き手である Michael Blastland、Andrew Dilnot の両氏は、今回の金融危機とその救済策の報道がおおげさであると述べています。
First, the bailout is capital, not current spending. It is not like the schools' budget to which it has been absurdly compared. It is simply a recomposition of government assets. You might have cash; you might have shares; you might move money from one to the other. Doing so is not the same as eating a prodigious quantity of cake. The bailout is not consumption of taxpayers' cash. If you borrow to acquire an asset, you have that asset to set against your borrowing and the net position is as before.
In fact, the Government might well turn out to have acquired these assets for a song. All assets can go down in value (that includes cash in times of inflation). These have a good chance of going up.
Being capital assets, not current spending, the best measure of their size is to compare them with the capital value of the Government's right to tax, a right it enjoys in perpetuity.
A modest way of calculating this would be to assume that the annual income it provides (more than £500 billion) is a five per cent return on capital, giving a figure for the capital value of the right to tax in excess of £10,000 billion. (If that calculation is a struggle, think about it as a way of working out what you would sell the right to tax for. Twenty times what it brings in annually is a standard method). What all this means is that, economically, the bailout was achieved without breaking sweat. If necessary, the Government could do the same again and again.
上記文章の A modest way of calculating this would be to assume that the annual income it provides (more than £500 billion) is a five per cent return on capital, giving a figure for the capital value of the right to tax in excess of £10,000 billion. の訳または意味をご教示ください。
意味がわかりましたありがとうございます! かわいい赤ちゃんですね