General assent to the Ptolemaic theories was made easier by two factors, both a reflection of "human nature: first, the system rested upon natural appearances, upon things as they were seen by any casual observer; and, second, they fed man's ego. How pleasing it was to believe that the earth was the center of the heavens, with the planets and stars revolving about it. The whole universe seemed to be made for man. This beautiful structure remained substantially intact until the coming of the great era of intellectual awakening in Europe-the Renaissance. Its destruction was the work of Nicolaus Copernicus, "a churchman, a painter and a poet, a physician, an economist, a statesman, a soldier, and a scientist" -one of the “universal men" for whom the Renaissance was celebrated. Copernicus' seventy-year life span, 1473-1543, was one of the most exciting and adventurous periods in Europe's history. Columbus discovered new continents. Magellan circumnavigated the globe, Vasco da Gama made the first sea voyage to India, Martin Luther waged the Protestant Reformation, Michelangelo created a new world of art, Paracelsus and Vesalius laid the groundwork for modern medicine, and Leonardo da Vinci, “that tremendous universal genius" flourished as painter, sculptor, engineer, architect, physicist, biologist, and philosopher. What a fitting age for another brilliant mind, Copernicus, to give the world a new system for the universe.