Read the following and answer the questions in English using full sentences.
(1)Recently, there has been increasing public awareness in Japan of the developing world's problems with HIV/AIDS and the spread of diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria. In a forum held in Winterthur, Switzerland, Yoshiyuki Sato, managing director of Kenya Nut Co., a macadamia-nut processing company in Kenya, eastern Africa, presented a sustainable-action project to help people in developing countries who are suffering from such infectious diseases. Sato recently was interviewed about the need to encourage participation in the project around the world. The following is his answer to the question on how he became involved in the fight against infectious diseases in developing countries.
(2)I am all too familiar with the problems caused by the spread of infectious diseases. In Kenya, some estimates show that as much as 30% of the adult population is infected with HIV. There are also many other kinds of infectious and parasitic diseases that people contract through contact with tainted blood or water. For every 10 workers I need, I have to hire 16 because some employees are always taking sick leave. In fact, the problem has had a very serious impact on my business. For the welfare of my employees, I have built a company clinic to give them access to inexpensive medical treatment. We also hold seminars on reproductive health and child care for families of employees.
(3)However, there are limits to what a private company can do. Two years ago, I had the chance to meet members of a Swiss nongovernmental organization called the Double Incentive Project (DIP) Foundation, which has been working to introduce organic farming to one of the nut-growing communities in Kenya. Our company, the Swiss NGO and this community decided to team up for a project to supply roasted macadamia nuts to Swiss bakers. The bakers use the roasted nuts to produce a new brand of bread called “Bread of Solidarity.” We launched the bread in February, and it is now sold am over 2,000 bakeries in Switzerland. Some of the proceeds from the sales are put into a fund for building a tuberculosis treatment clinic in the community.
(4)In October, I was invited to speak about the project at an international conference on infectious diseases held in Winterthur, Switzerland. At the end of the conference, five participants, including myself, decided to form a task force to promote the fight against diseases of poverty. Our objective is to present a model of cooperation between private organizations and NGOs in actionーnamely the Bread of Solidarity projectーand emphasize the importance of private-sector participation in the fight against infectious diseases.
・What was Sato's role at the forum held in Winterthur, Switzerland?
・How do infectious and parasitic diseases spread among the people in Kenya?
・What is the role of the DIP Foundation?
→3段落に書いてあるのは分かりましたが、nut-growing communitiesの訳仕方に困りました。
・What are some of the profits from the sales of “Bread of Solidarity” being used for?
・What was the aim in forming a task force to promote the fight against diseases of poverty?
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