It is expected that medical students are required for acquiring all kinds of knowledge about human and establishing the faithful relationships with other students, teachers, and patients during the school day at medical college.
Considering about this, I am looking forward to acquiring various kinds of knowledge about human. If I got to know first-aid, I would be able to help people around me at emergency. I think this is the first step for becoming a doctor. In addition, making best friends is my dream. Years ago, a doctor did all cures for a patient by himself or herself. However, these days team work is needed and it is not over mentioned whether a patient can recover from illness is up to doctor’s team work.
On the other hand, I worry about that I can keep up with the speeds of lessons at college. High leveled subjects need not only memorizing, but also understanding. I also think just memorizing for exams dose not make sense at practice.
Needless to say, I should study hard at college, when I cannot understand something, it is important to ask other students or teachers. It is not just because I get to understand the subject, but this lead to make good relationships with them. (210words)
It is expected that medical students (are required for acquiring)[acquire] all kinds of knowledge about human and establish(ing the faithful)good relationships with other students, teachers, and patients during the[ir] school day[s] (at medical college).
Considering (about) this, I am looking forward to (acquir)[learn]ing various kinds of knowledge about human. If I (got to know)[learn] first-aid, I (would)[will] be able to help people around me at [an] emergency.<仮定法は実行不可能な出来事を語る時> I think this is the first step for becoming a [good] doctor. In addition, making (best)[good] friends is (my dream)[necessary].<単語だけ飾ると浅知恵> Years ago, a doctor did all [the] cures for a patient by himself or herself. However, these days team work is needed and it is not (over mentioned)[too much to say that] whether a patient can recover from illness is up to (doctor's)[doctors' and nurses'] team work.
On the other hand, I worry about (that)[whether] I can keep up with (the speeds of)[my] lessons at college. (High leveled subjects need not only memorizing, but also understanding. I also think just memorizing for exams dose not make sense at practice.)<頭の中の日本語を整理してから書く> [I must not only memorize all kinds of things in class, but also become able to use them in practice. All the learning for exams will make no sense at all.]
Needless to say, I should study hard at college. [But] when I cannot understand something, it is important to ask other students or teachers [for help]. It is not just because I get to understand (the subject)[it], but this lead[s] to make (good)[better] relationships with them.
It is expected that medical students are required for acquiring
-> Medical students are expected to acquire
knowledge about human
-> knowledge about the human body
the school day
-> school days
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