ヒンドゥ哲理のある本を読んでいます。*Self-Realization Fellowship発行、パラマハンサ・ヨガナンダ著、The Bhagavad Gita(上下2巻)その下巻0752p. に以下のPublisher’s Noteがありました。なお余計でしょうが、この後の投稿にご参考までにかいつまんで下手な理解を箇条書きで付加します。"Today modern science is venturing into realms that for more than four millennia have been the fieldoms of religion and philosophy" wrote Professor Amit Goswami, Ph. D., in The Self-Aware Universe: (Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1993), How Consciousness Creates the Material World. "Until the present interpretation of the new physics, the word transcendence was seldom mentioned in the vocabulary of physics. The term was even considered heretical. " However, he states, a 1982 experiment by a team of physicists in France has confirmed the idea of transcendence in quantumphysics. The experiment, conducted by Alain Aspect and collaborators, proved that two quantum particles emitted from the same source remain inextricably correlated: When a change is made to one particle, instantaneously the other particle is affected similarly—even when separated by vast distances. Says Goswami: "When there is no signal in space-time to mediate their connection.., where, then, exists the instantaneous connection between correlated quantum objects that is responsible for their signalless action at a distance? The succinct answer is: in the transcendent domain of reality. "The technical name for signalless, instantaneous action at a distance is nonlocality . . . According to physicist Henry Stapp, the message of quantum nonlocality is that 'the fundamental process of Nature lies outside space-time but generates events that can be located in space-time."
ご回答ありがとうございます。 前段は寒気がするほどエキサイティングです。 後段はこの世のものとは思えない呪文みたいですが。 さしずめ私という実体は感受表面の化学反応ということになってしまったようですねw またの機会にご教授いただければ幸いです。