To prevent anyone from getting too much control over any part of the federal government’s power, each branch was given some share in the other branches’ powers. This is called what?
The federal government created by this compromise is variously called a government of delegated powers and a government of enumerated powers. It’s called a government of delegated powers because all the sovereign political authority it has was given to it by the states, whose power it was originally. This understanding was clearly expressed by the Supreme Court in a 1947 ruling, where it noted.
答えは It’s called a government of delegated powers でいいでしょうか?
ただ、こちらの文章はcompromise(妥協によって作られた)、と言っているのに対し、質問文はTo prevent anyone from getting too much control over any part of the federal government’s power(連邦政府の権限のいずれかの部分を誰もが制御できないようにするため)となっていて、若干言っていることが違うかな…とも思っているのですが、どうでしょうか?
haveは省略されているのですね! こんな低レベルな質問に答えていただき本当にありがとうございました.