Kevin: Hi, John.
John: Oh, hi. You back late, huh?
K: Yeah, it's just a friend get-together. Got some news. Hey, how about you? You enjoyed a movie or just watching her face?
J: No movies. She came in here.〈g〉
K: ... What's the matter with you? It's kind of too fast, don't you think?
J: Kevin, you got it all wrong. She was in the living room, wearing Mom's clothes.〈g〉
K: ... I'm getting confused. What's going on? Tell me.
J: Okay. It's just that she accidentally spilled coffee on her clothes at a theater, so I asked her to come over to get it cleaned.
K: Oh, that figures. Okay.
J: Kevin, you don't know the half of it... I mean... It turns out that they haven't actually met yet but... they know each other.
K: ... Wait a second... Now I remember that she's been having a part-time job at a coffee shop. I heard that today. So maybe it's just because Mom was a regular customer. Right?
J: Close. She was not "regular", but "good enough to remember".
K: Which means?
J: Mom was the customer who spilled coffee at the coffee shop. And Alice was the waitress who took care of that.
K: Oh... So they are now even. Right?〈g〉
J: Yeah, exactly. Mom said Alice was very kind to her... Kevin, I found out she really is a nice girl.
K: Okay, good... John, consider yourself very lucky to have such a wonderful date, you know what I mean?〈g〉
J: Okay, okay. Thanks for reminding me of that. I'll buy you big lunch tomorrow.
K: You got it!
回答ありがとうございます。 下にも補足したのですが、よろしければこの点についてもお答えいただけると嬉しいです。 ---------------------------------------------------- there構文を使うのが不適切であったとして i found that there's no truth that i managed to protect from anything. ↓ i found that it’s not true that managed to protect myself from anything. こう直された訳ですが、protect myselfというふうになっているので 先生の文は「私が何ものからも守ろうとしたもの」が自分自身になってないですか? 先生の書いた文のthat節はitにかかっているのだと思うのですが(違うかもしれないですが) どうも意味が解釈出来ません。 私が書きたい文は 「なんとかして守りたい真実があった←でもそれは本物では無かった」 という文なのです。先生の文章がそうなっているように思えませんでした。 よろしければ私の文(構文から間違っているようなので訳せなければ訳さなくて構いません) と先生の文の直訳のようなものを書いていただけると嬉しいです。