• 締切済み


私はこの文章に反対です。確かに一人暮らしをすることで 生活の知恵と手に入れることや、自由な生活をすることは可能です。 それは一人暮らしをするメリットです。 しかしながら、そういう状況では 遊んでばかりでほとんど勉強をしない人もいろでしょう。 学生のうちは勉強をすべきです。 これだけの理由で反対です。一人暮らしはすべきではありません。 Ioppose to this opinion. It might be said and surely correct that we can get life wisdom and lead a freedom life from living by myself. Those are surely advantages of living by myself. However I also strongly sure that there are most people who are not studying but playing only in living by myself. I think young people,including college student should study hard. So I oppose to this opinion.



私ならこう書くかなぁ、と。参考にしてみてください。 I'm against the opinion. It is possible that you get knowledge of living, and have freedom in your life by living alone. Those are advantages of living apart from your family. However, in that situation, you may not study at all, and just enjoy yourself. You should study while you are student. I'm opposed to living alone because of this only one reason.
