• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の添削してください!おねがいします)

Understanding the Care of Elderly People | Key Differences in Living Situations

  • In order for elderly people to live rich and fulfilling lives, it is essential for us to understand how to best care for them.
  • Unlike in Britain, where elderly people often live with their children or interact with others in communal areas, Japan tends to confine sick or injured older people to beds.
  • To promote a better quality of life for elderly individuals, it is important to reconsider the living arrangements and care practices in Japan.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Pippin
  • ベストアンサー率50% (196/389)

1.これをちょっと変えて、 For elderly people to live rich and full lives, it is vital for us to understand how to care for them in the best possible way. "therefore"はこの場合いらないような。または、 ...for us to know what is the best way to care for them. という言い方も出来ます。 2.もうちょっとスッキリさせるのでほんのちょっと変えましたが、あっていると思います。ただこの内容には同意出来ませんが…。老人ホームは次々に閉鎖され、家族が介護しなければいけないのが現状です。 Few elderly in Britain live with their children or spend their days bed-bound. Rather, they can be found on sofas in communal areas, interacting with others around them (in residential homes?). 3.少しだけ変えました。これも英国でも現状は似たようなものです…。勿論地域、環境または個人の性格によりますが。 In Japan though, sick or injured elderly people are confined to their beds.



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