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以下の英文はどう訳しますか?? 中間から後半に書けてが特に難しくとても困っています。。。 お願いします!! Valley farming was in sharp contrast. A great variety of crops were sown on the steep lower slops in field that were mostly walled to protect crops from livestock and define the boundaries against neighbors. The dominant crop was maize, of which Paucartambo farmers cultivated about 10 percent of the 100 or more races that exist in Latin America. Wheat, as important as maize in lower and diver valleys, was not a significant crop here. In the Uchucamarca valley, to the northwest, wheat provided about half the calories and proteins available in the early 1970s (Brush 1977:78). The second most important crop in the valley farming of Paucartambo was quinoa. The nitrogen-fixing legumes tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) and broad beans (Vicia faba) were less commonly field dominants, with lower yields. Valley land was scare, not available to all households, and was used intensively. Intercropping was a common practice and had increased since the 1960s. Formerly, tarwi and broad beans were grown mainly higher on the slopes, but in the Paucar-tambo valley more than in other areas there has been a reduction in their area as sole crops. They were interplanted in rows with amaranths, kidney beans, squashes, and quinoa, and also in gaps and corners of valley field dominated by maize. Livestock manure, guano from the coast, and chemical fertilizers were used, together with crop rotation, to reduce fertility exhaustion
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- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
中間からということで The second から 「パウカルタンボ谷の農業で、第二に重要な作物は、キノアであった。この窒素固定性のあるマメ科の、タルイ(学名 Lupinus mutabilis)及びソラマメ(学名 Vicia faba)は、収穫量が少なかったので、優位な作物ではなかった。峡谷部の土地は狭く、すべての家庭が所有している訳ではなかったので、集中的に(小農的に)使われた。間作は常習的に行われ、1960年代から増えた。以前は、タルイとソラマメは、主に(現在より)標高の高い場所で山の斜面に栽培されたが、パウカルタンボ谷では、他の地域に比べて、これ(タルイとソラマメ)だけに頼る農法は減少の傾向にある。これら(タルイとソラマメ)の間に列を作ってアマランス、インゲン豆、スクオッシ(ウリ科カボチャ属)、キノアが植えられ、谷間や谷の隅の畑にはトウモロコシが多く植えられた。土地の養分を補給するため、家畜の肥料(糞のことでしょう)、海岸からのグアノ(鳥糞)、化学肥料、輪作などが行われた。」 間作とは第一作本を植えた後で、その間に第二作物を植える、農地の二重利用を指すと思います。