We have seen that the absorption approach, like the elasticity approach, does not provide an unambiguous answer to the question of whether a devaluation leads to an improvement in the current account. At issue is how economic agents respond to the change in relative prices that is implied by a devaluation. The two analyses are not alternative theories, but rather provide complementary insights into the processes at work.
Although, the two models are comparative static in nature, they both point to the importance of dynamic forces and a time dimension to the eventual outcome. Demand elasticities are higher in the long run than in the short run, leading to a possible J-curve effect and the effects of a devaluation on income and absorption will be spread over time. Even in these simple models, it is seen that there are likely to be a variety of forces at work. No doubt even greater ambiguity would emerge as a result of including time lags, wealth effects and an explicit treatment of expectations.
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