- ベストアンサー
Child Care-Leave: Improving the Working Environment for Women
- Many women are forced to take on child-rearing duties alone due to their husbands' long working hours. One in five men in their 30s works more than 60 hours a week. To improve the working environment for these women, more must be done.
- One of the issues is that many men are not actively engaged in growing their baby. They should support women and take responsibility for child care. Companies should change the system of child care leave to make it easier for fathers to take time off.
- The question is: What should be done to improve the situation for women who can't work to their heart's content because of child care? Companies need to support fathers in taking child care leave and create a more inclusive working environment for women.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
I think its an issue that would be hard to tackle because of Japan's cultural attitude towards the father's role in bringing up children. As you said, it's difficult for fathers to ask their company for paternity leave, even if they are offered a chance to take it, because their company may think unfavourably towards the choice. Unfortunately, I think for most companies this is indeed the case. It may detriment their chances of a promotion. I think the government needs to take more steps to support young families. In the country I live in, women can take up to 1 year on maternity leave and the company they work for are obliged to take them back when they return. I am not sure what the rules are for paternity leave, but I believe many men take them. Although even in the west, paternity leave is not as common as maternity leave. The idea that the mother stays at home to look after the children is universall in almost every country in the world, and it would be hard to change this around. The government should do campaigns to make people aware of the paternity leave choice and to advertise that it is an acceptable and reasonable choice to take. I think the victim in all this is not actually the mothers, but the fathers who will miss out on seeing their children grow up. Sorry, I'm not really saying anything of great importance, but this is just my humble opinion :)
Thank you very much for answering my questions !! It was really great to hear about your improtant opinion. I first said to you that men couldn't take child-care leave because they looked at their bosses or collegues with real worry in his eyes , but wemen also feel stressed by them. I think so. Many working wemen hesitate to take chid care -leave because their bosses still think that once a weman has a child, she should quit. I managed to understand how to say " 育児休暇を夫が会社に伝えられるようにすべき、と言いたい" in English. Thank you very much for your help !! I think that to improve this situation, the government should announce to each of the companies that men should take child -care -leave. We have to change the stuation so that we won't care how the society sees us .