As discussed above , the implementation of the Memoranda strategy systematically fails regarding its time schedules . Indicative of this failure is that from May 2010 to May 2013 their forecasts for GDP growth had to be revised downwards eight times . Correspondingly , the troika had to revise downwards seven times its own forecasts for the required fiscal adjustment : the initial fiscal austerity measures were 25 billion while the most recent estimate revises their cumulative amounts upwards to 66 billion . There is a similar failure to forecast the government debt , the ratio of foreign debt to GDP , the level of unemployment , etc . These results are at least unacceptable . What are the reasons behind these failures ?
ありがとうございます。 女性差別をなくすことについてどのようなことが、政府によっておこなわれているかということですか? 政府によって行われいる対策について述べるべきですか? それとも、自分が差別についてどう思うか?ということですか? すみません、繰り返して聞いてしまって。