- 締切済み
英作文なのですが、みてもらえますでしょうか。 夜遅く友人Kの家をたずねたとき、夕食をすませてきたと言ったのに美しくつつましい夫人がいろいろごちそうを作ってだしてくれた。 When I called on my friend K, his beautiful and modest wife served me various dishes though I said I had already finished my dinner.
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文法が完璧だし、本当にいいと思いますが、もうちょっとネーティブ的な英語で言えば「When I called on my friend K, his beautiful and modest wife served me a whole range of foods, even though I protested that I had already eaten dinner.」になると思います。