I shall here give a few other criticism of the many that appeared at that time.
In the Electrician of April 3,1880,is found the following: 'Edison Electric Light.-
Discussion on this subject still goes on in America and the Franklin Institute has taken the matter up.''He gets eight lights perhorsepowser,but Professor Elihu Thomson pointed out that he couldn't get more,because the heat energy at the present given out by these eight lamps nearly equals a horsepower. He estimated the light of each at best as only ten candles,that is,eightly candles per horsepower;but with the arc method it is easy to produse 800 candles,or ten times as much light per horsepower.'
The power made on the tests of Edison's carbon filament lamps by Professor Henry Morton and Alfred M.Mayer,Ph.D.,B.F.,in April,1880,after giving facts concerning the relative production of gas and electric light,concludes as follows:
'If each apparatus and system could be worked with equal facility and economy,this would of course show something in favor of the electric light;but when in fact everything in this regard is against the electric light,which demands vastly more machinery,and that of a more delicate kind,requires more skillful management,shows more liability to disarrangement and waste,and presents an utter lack of the storage capacity which secures such vast efficiency,convenience,and economy in gas,then we see that this relatively trifling economy disappears or ceases to have any controlling importance in the practical relations of the subject.'
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