生物、植物系の英語文献の訳が分かりません。特に、Frequent bu
生物、植物系の英語文献の訳が分かりません。特に、Frequent burining~の1文に苦しんでいます。通常、火事で植生が回復するけど、あまりに火事が頻繁だと、回復に時間がかかる・・・ということなのか、火事が頻繁に起きることで、植生の体質みたいなのが変わって火に強くなっている・・・ということなのか、何度読んでも、近くの人に聞いてもこれという回答が出てきません。ぜひ、教えてください!
Although much of the hotspot was once covered in evergreen oak forests, deciduous and conifer forests, eight thousand years of human settlement and habitat modification have distinctly altered the characteristic vegetation. Today, the most widespread vegetation type is hard-leafed or sclerophyllus shrublands called maquis or matorral, which include representatives from the plant genera Juniperus, Myrtus, Olea, Phillyrea, Pistacia, and Quercus. This vegetation is similar in appearance to the chaparral vegetation of California and the matorral of Chile. Some important components of Mediterranean vegetation (species of the genera Arbutus, Calluna, Ceratonia, Chamaerops, and Larus) are relicts from the ancient forests that dominated the Basin two million years ago. Frequent burning of maquis results in depauperate vegetation dominated by Kermes oak ( Quercus coccifera), Cistus spp. or Sarcopoterium spinosum, all of which regenerate rapidly after fire by sprouting or mass germination. Shrublands, including maquis and the aromatic, soft-leaved and drought phrygana of Rosmarinus, Salvia, and Thymus, persist in the semi-arid, lowland, and coastal regions of the Basin.