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■ A first family that looks like America - Obama-Robinson clan crosses ethnic, religious and linguistic lines
When president Barack Obama was sworn in Tuesday, he was surrounded by an extended clan that would have shocked past generations of
Americans and has redrawn the image of a first family for future ones.
As they convened to take their family's final step in its journey from Africa: through slavery to the slave-built White House, the group
seemed as though they had stepped right out of the pages of Obama's memoir ――no longer the disparate kin of a young man wondering
how he fit in, but the embodiment of a new president's promise of change
”Our family is new in terms of the White House, but I don't think it's new in terms of the country, ” said Maya Soetoro, the president's
younger half-sister , in an interview last week. ”I don't think the white House has always reflected the textures and flavors of this country."
Obama follows former President George W.Bush, who had a presidential son's self-assured grip on power.
Aside from a top-quality education, the new president came to politics with none of his predecessor's advantages: no famous last name,
no deep-pocketed parents to finance early forays into politics and , In fact, not much of a father at all.
So Obama built his political career from scratch, with best-selling books and long-shot runs for office, leaving his relatives 「astonished」 at
where he has brought them.
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