• ベストアンサー


ディベートのRe-buttal,Re-rebuttalのための準備をしています。自分で作った英文が、意味の通る文になっているのか心配なので、見ていただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 ・未婚者にも自分たちの行動の責任をとる義務がある The single person also has a duty to take the responsibility for the action of oneself. ・中絶がどのように行われるか知っていますか? Do you know how an abortion is performed?  ・胎児の人権、生存権はどの時期より認めるべきだと考えますか? When do you think that the human rights and the right to live of the fetus should be accept? ・母体への影響はありませんか? Isn’t there the influence on mother's body in the abortion? ・望まれて生まれてきた子でも虐待を受ける子はいる。逆に中絶されなかった子が養子として幸せになることもある。よってどちらとも、赤ん坊が幸せになるとは言い切れない。 Some children are abused even if thay were born willyngly. On the other hand, the child who was not aborted was brought up happily through the special adopted child system.Therefore, it is not necessarily babies are happy ・産んでから殺すことも中絶することも、一つの尊い命が失われるという点で同じことです To have abortion and to murder a child after he was born are the same thing in terms of losing the precious life. ・そのような状況にならないように私たちは最善の努力をするべきです。 We should make an efforts not to make such a situation


  • ベストアンサー

1、take responsibility for their action で十分と思います。 2、performed か done でしょう。 3、本来胎児の人権を人が決めることに疑問ですが、 What do you think is the status of a fetus at which we should recognize their human rights and their lights to live? 4、Does that affect the women's health? 5、if thay were born willyngly.の部分が違和感があります。 if they were born wanted でいいのでは。 the child who was --> children who are not aborted Therefore, it is not necessarily babies are happy--> therefore it hard to say which type of children are happy. 6,英文としては問題ないように思います。 7最善の努力なら a lot of efforts as we can / as many efforts as we canぐらいでしょうか。



こちらの方も同じ方が答えてくれたのですね。 本当にありがとうございました。TOEIC990点なんですか? すごすぎます!!

その他の回答 (1)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

Before marriage the single person also should have the responsibility for what they are going to do and did. Do you now how they undergo an abortion? When do you think that the human rights and the right to live should be granted for unborn baby? Don’t you think a mother is adversely affected by her abortion? Some children are abused even if they were born happily. On the other hand, the child born before aborted can be brought up happily through the special adopted child system. (*)It is hard to say all the babies are happy, but they can at least have their lives if not aborted. In the very meaning of a life, a precious life, losing it either through abortion before birth or murder after birth is finally identical. We should make every possible efforts not to give birth to such situation. 添削は不得意につき、少し書き換えました。もし何かの参考になれば幸いです。 但し(*)部分は私なりの意見としております。 最後の「give birth to」をあえて使ったのは「少しの皮肉」です。



