• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削)

Should schools in Japan have classes on Saturdays?

  • I don’t think schools in Japan should have classes on Saturdays. Japanese students are too busy and they should have more free time to play with their friends. Additionally, they don't have enough time to study what they want to study. However, some argue that having classes on Saturdays will make Japan a more creative country. Nevertheless, considering these reasons, I believe that classes on Saturdays are not necessary.
  • Japanese schools should not have classes on Saturdays. Students in Japan already have a packed schedule and need more time for recreational activities and socializing with friends. Moreover, they often don't have the opportunity to study subjects of their interest. While some argue that Saturday classes will foster creativity in Japan, I believe that allowing students more free time is essential for their overall development.
  • In my opinion, schools in Japan should not hold classes on Saturdays. The current workload for Japanese students is already overwhelming, and they need more leisure time to relax and spend with friends. Additionally, they are often not able to pursue their own interests and passions due to the limited time available. Some argue that Saturday classes can enhance creativity in Japan, but I believe that prioritizing students' well-being and personal growth should be the top priority.


  • ベストアンサー

あなたの意図は十分に伝わっていますが、こんなものでどうでしょうか。 1 I don't agree with the topic. 2 First, Japanese students don't have enough time to spend with friends because we are very busy doing work. 3 Second, we need more time to do what we really want to. 4 Then we will make Japan a more creative country. 5 That is why I don't think classes on saturday aren't necessary. (56語) 勝手に変えてすみません。まあこんな考え方もあるというぐらいで見てください。 なお、more creative countryの前にはaが必要です。4)のところはthat timeよりもsuch free timeかthe free timeぐらいでは。



冠詞とthat time のところ理解しました ありがとうございました

その他の回答 (1)

  • hyana0103
  • ベストアンサー率47% (20/42)

テストの答を事前に人に聞くのはフェアじゃないんじゃないですか。 あなたのクラスの全員に同じ機会を与えるべきです。



すいません ただ、問題を作る(その問題を出す)先生自身も先週までなら添削をやってくれてたようなのです。 それに出しそびれてしまったので、ここでお願いしているわけです。 そういうことなので、もしよかったら、よろしくお願いします。
