• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:悲しい知らせ。。。)


  • 友達の一人が2年前に亡くなっていたことを昨日知った。彼とは20歳の時に交際していたが、別れても親友だった。彼はいつも私を笑わせてくれた。
  • 彼は昔不良グループにいたが、実際は優しい心を持っていた。彼は暴力やいじめを嫌い、助けることを好んでいた。
  • 彼の姉によると、彼は最後まで私のことを話していた。私が彼の人生でも最高の親友だったと言っていた。彼は苦しい思いもしていたが、私との時間を大切にした。


  • ベストアンサー

下手なら下手でも良いと思うんだけどな。それがコミュニケーションだから。 見た感じでは、あなたの英語力で足りていると思います。 変な誤解さえ生じないかぎり、「英語うめーな」と思わせる必要はないはずです、普通はね。 でも、ともかく、元気を出して訳してみましょうか。 A friend of mine died. To be exact, 2 years ago. But I was informed of (knewでもいいです) the fact only yesterday. I fell(wasでもいいです) in love with him at my 20. And two years later, our close relationship was broken. But we were still friends. I remember he was always kidding me and made me laugh. Because he was a dropout type guy, some ctiticized him hard. But I know his sensitive tender heart well. He hated violence and bullying. So I sometimes saw him support bullied people bravely. I heard from his sister that he always talked about me and he said that I was the last one he loved and his most important friend. And she told me that he had very hard time then from betrayals of his friends and his own debts, but that he was enduring the hardship remembering the beautiful days with me and while he was ill in bed he called out my name again and again with the good memory of me lessening his pain. I couldn't stop my tears. He looked(wasでもいいです) alone. He had no true friend except me. So his family had nobody to let know his death. I kept calling him by phone without any answer after his call stopped. Then he had been gone already.



