Barry Goldwaterという人について調べていたのですが、「彼は共和党の本来の主張、「小さな政府」、政府の市場経済への介入の限定化、強硬な反共路線、反共主義に基づくNATO加盟国との協調、NATOの強化、ヴェトナムにおけるドラスティックな解決、を直截な言葉で訴え、国民の前に従来より明確な選択肢を提示した。こうした姿勢から、彼は現代アメリカにおける保守主義運動の先導者(コンサバティブのアイコン)とみなされることが多い。」と出てきました。
What developments and factors led to a conservative resurgence in American politics during the late 1960s and 1970s?
「Barry Morris Goldwater was a conservative politician.
He was the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 1964 election.
Despite losing the election, he is the politician credited for sparking the resurgence of the American conservative political movement in the 1960s.
Reagan in 1980, the conservative revolution launched under Barry Goldwater in 1964 led to a fundamental changing of the guard in Washington and in many states.
The Republican Party recovered from the 1964 election debacle, picking up 47 seats in the House of Representatives in the 1966 mid-term election. Further Republican successes ensued, including Goldwater's return to the Senate in 1969.
Goldwater was a strong supporter of the environment.
Throughout the 1970s, as the conservative wing under Reagan gained control of the party, Goldwater concentrated on his Senate duties, especially in military affairs. He played little part in the election or administration of Richard Nixon, but he helped force Nixon's resignation in 1974.」
非常に良く分かりました!! ありがとうございました。