- ベストアンサー
- ゆとり教育による学習内容の削減が学力低下を招いたという意見もあるが、それだけが原因ではないと考えられる。
- 学力低下を防ぐためにはゆとり教育だけでなく、質の向上も重要であり、教師と生徒の共同の努力が求められる。
- 週休二日制によって生徒たちの自由な時間が増え、生徒の学習意欲を高めることができる。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
文を拝見しますと、ポイントは ・ゆとり教育をどう訳すか。 ・主語、冠詞ぬけが多々ある。ex)when (it) was reduced ・動詞の形態が不適切、多々ある。ex)I think it (does) not lead など細かな点を見直し、文法は簡単な文法で十分しゃべれるはずです。 以下参考にしてください。 I basically agree with the more relaxed education policy. We have free time more than we used to since the five-day work was introduced. On the other hand, the quantity of study hours was decreased by 30%, which is said to lead to a decline of academic ability of Japanese high shcool students. In my opinion, this is not the only cause because reducing the quantitiy of study hours may not be as severe.... "Quality is better than quantity." Improving the education quality is definitely what we must do as a teacher. The most important thing is that we need to join forces to make students be interested in studying...............
その他の回答 (1)
- wakkarahen
- ベストアンサー率61% (262/423)
まず、貴英文で気がつく点を少し(時間的に全てに言及できないので、一部についてのみ): I became a five-day ... I とは? ,when was reduced 30%, とありますが、何がreduced なのかわかりません。 a ddesserting opinion a person is ?? ...because it thinks ... it はthinkしません。 I ですか? 英文作成するときは、構文をきちんと考え(基本的に主語、述語をきちんと)、内容の流れを考えて・・・また、日本語以上に「論理」的な内容、流れに・・・ 「週休二日制のなって自由な時間が増えた。」とありますが、前後関係がいまいち不明な気がしますし、その他のところの「論理」は適当に判断して以下: (なお、「ゆとり教育」は英字新聞などではcram-free education, education eith latitudeなどと表現しています。 試訳(大学受験生レベルを考え): I am for "cram-free" education. Its aim is to allow children to have more time for themselves and develop more of their individual potential under the five-day school week system. Those who oppose the education with latitude policy argue that it has caused a decline in children's academic performance because the core curriculum was cut by 30 percent. I don't think cram-free education is only to blame. In my opinion, a reduced curriculum alone does not lead to a drop in children's academic ability; it is "quality," not "quantity," that counts. It is the role of teachers to improve and enhance the quality of education. Teachers at every school should cooperate to motivate their students so they are highly encouraged to study positively.