the way to effective writing という教科書です。
Sylvia Stone, Chris Mather,and Harry Goodman founded House-bots in 1995 with a dream of taking robots out of the realm of science fiction and into people’s living rooms. However, first they had to learn some tough lessones about reality.
A robot is in essence a computer, but House-bots wanted customers to buy Sally as a household appliance. The problem is that people expect more from applinces than from computers. Appliances have to be low in cost and easy to use. A $3,000 vacuum cleaner with a 50-page user’s manual is jast not going to sell.
This time the topic sentence is the second sentence. The first sentence give a little preparatory information but does not introduce the whole idea of the paragragh.
On the other hand, sentence 2, the topic sentence, lets the reader know that the topic will be about the difficulties encountered in getting a robot ready for ordimary people. Again, all of the subsequent sentences relate to this idea.
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