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- 飛行機の掲示板での翻訳について英語に自信がないため、翻訳機能を使用しています。
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- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
I love not only this body but also BOEING747-300, B747-200, B747-100 and so on, which had flied as a main plane in the international airline. I often call those classic jumbo jets "vintage 747 jets" in my affection. Actually I may prefer them to women. By the way, the other day B747SR-100 completely was ceased using from All Nippon Airways. In Japan, we are sad that we can ride on a jumbo jet only by Japan Airlines, though jumbo jets are great anyway. 機械翻訳は当てになりません。
やっぱり機械翻訳は何だかおかしいなと思っていました。 I love not only this body but also BOEING747-300, B747-200, B747-100 and so on, which had flied as a main plane in the international airline. この翻訳はかなり納得いたしました。 ご丁寧にありがとうございます。