和訳をお願いしますm( __ __ )m
Where are you from?
I'm from the deepest darkest most fabulous part of my mind. This is where I began.
Since you started your career how has your personal style changed?
Style is very important to me. The best thing about waking up is dressing up. My style has never changed, just grew. I'll always be in head to toe black, platforms and sunnies, making a statement. I'm a little bit of a bad boy, and I don't really have any boundaries.
How did you first get started in photography?
There was never a point where I picked up a camera and thought I would have a career as a photographer. It has always been natural for me to create and capture. I would always be that child at school who would rebel a little with school uniform, I enjoyed being different from everybody else. I remember dressing up with friends and capturing the moment, it was exciting for me to invent something so far from the truth, to capture elements of glamour, to create images and have them forever. Creating a photo is a very personal and intimate process, like sex.
How do you think your age factors into the way you are perceived?
I don't think age should be a factor at all when it comes to the industry, if people enjoy and feel your photos then that is all that matters. I haven't been on any other photo shoots apart from my own, so I can't say how another photographer works, but I can tell you that I work with an open mind. I never assisted and I never studied photography, everything just comes from my mind and that's where I stay most of the time, that's my reality.
What was the first big shoot that you did?
Honestly, I haven't been doing this very long at all so every shoot for me is 'big', I'm enjoying every single second, it's the most incredible experience and I find everyone I meet extremely interesting.
What’s the strangest location you have ever done a shoot at?
I'm always stranger than the locations!
What’s the most surprising thing you have seen on set?
No coffee!
Gさん、こんばんは。そちらは夜でしょうね。 ありがとうございます。 最初の回答ですでに、”エム・オーと読みます”と書いてくださっていたのに、補足をお願いしてしまいました。 すみません。 でもこれでよくわかりました。 ありがとうございました。 まだ1日36時間の生活は続いていらっしゃるんでしょうか? John: Oh, come on. I really have been busy these days, I wish I had more than 24 hours a day! Me: John, take it easy. Actually you look pale, I think you should take a day off. You can't? Okay, then don't forget, I am always on your side so if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Bye for now. Take care. John にはこんなふうに言うだろうなあ、と思いますが、Gさんは先生なので、どんなふうに書いたらいいのかなあ、なんて考えています。 Could you please…をつけたりすることくらいしか今のところ、考え付かないので、今日の課題はこれにします。〈g〉 ありがとうございました。