I found Shishmaref on a map, and decided to write to the head of the village.
So, with my English dictionary by my side, I wrote my first English letter.
" My name is Hoshino Michiko.
I'm a Japanese student.
After seeing a picture of Shishmaref, I became very interested in your villsge life.
I would like to visit, but I do not know anyone.
I'm willing to work.
Con you introduce me to someone who will let me stay with them?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon."
I addressed it,"The Mayou, Shishmaref, Alaska."
About six monter, I received reply from one of the villagers.
"Sorry for the delay.
June and July are the months when we go hunting, so you should some then・・・・
When you know the day, let us know.
You can stay with my family.
"Suddenly Alaska was in the palm of my hand.