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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の不明な点についてご教示ください 3)
Government's Reluctance to Let Go: Understanding an Obscure Sentence in an Education Article
- In an article about education, an unknown sentence raises confusion. It states, 'Where the Government needs to let go, it simply cannot bring itself to do it.' This sentence is unclear in terms of its structure and meaning. What does it mean when the government cannot bring itself to let go of something it needs to?
- The Education Secretary's efforts to improve literacy are hindered by the government's reluctance to loosen its grip. Despite distributing books, the government fails to address the issue of proper reading instruction for children. There is a disconnect between the government's acknowledgment of the problem and its inability to take necessary action.
- The reluctance of the government to release control becomes evident in the realm of education. Despite acknowledging the importance of proper reading instruction, the government fails to let go and make necessary changes. This raises questions about the government's commitment to improving education and providing adequate resources for children's learning.
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ありがとうございます! whereの意味はなんとなくわかったのですが、訳はどうしてこのようになるのでしょうか。