(4)Now, imagine trying to carry out a simple arithmetical task, such as 2253+1337, with Roman numerals. Here is how it would look on paper: MMCCLIII+MCCCXXXVII=MMMDLXXXX.The task is painful, as readers can confirm for themselves. It is further complicated by the fact that a smaller numeral appearing before a large one indicates that the smaller one is to be subtracted from the larger one.For example, the numeral for "ninety" is represented by (XC)("one hundred minus ten"). Crearly, it would take quite an effort to carry out the addition, keeping track of all the letter-to-number values, especially when we compare it to the minimal effort expended in performing addition with the decimal numerals.
(5)As mentioned the superiority of the decimal system over the Roman one lies in the fact that it is based on the reasonable principle, according to which the position of a digit indicates its value in terms of a power of ten.The 0 digit in this system makes it possible to differentiate between numbers such as "eleven"(=11) and "one hundredand one"(=101) (6) additional numerals. The digit 0 in a numeral tells us simply, that the position is "void" or "empty", since multiplying any number by 0 always yeilds 0.
(6) 1.through the use of 2.thanks to 3.without the use of 4.by multiplying
(6)No wonder, then, that the numeration system in use in the world today is the decimal one.It was first developed by the Hindus in India in the third century B.C., and was then introduced into the Arabic world around the seventh or eighth century A.D. The Hindu-Arabic system first reached Europe in the year 1000 through the efforts of Pope Syllvester II.But it hardly got noticed at the time.It was reintroduced in a much more practical way to medieval Europeans a few centuries later by an Italian businessman called Leonardo Fibonacci.With the publication in 1202 of his textbook, Fibonacci succeeded in convincing his fellow Europeans that the decimal system was far superior to the Roman one.He did this essentially by devising a series of pazzles and practical problems that could easily be solved with it. Shortly after its publication, mathemetics became a widespread science throughout Europe.