
  • tenured employee

    I recently started my first year in a new job, and was assigned a tenured employee to be my mentor during our orientation program. “Jennifer” is very sweet, tries to be helpful as I learn the ropes, and we have developed a friendly working relationship. ここでのtenured employeeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • set us up

    My sister came out as a lesbian this summer and I came out as bisexual this Thanksgiving to our very moderate middle-class parents. There were tears and talking and more tears, but my parents are ultimately supportive—almost too much so. My father brings up his “gay kids” in everyday conversations to complete strangers. An old high school friend who works as a barista mentioned it to me when my dad comes in for coffee. He says how proud he is of us, but he brings it up all the time! My mom has joined PFLAG and has taken to taking pictures of pretty girls and sending them to my sister and me in an effort to set us up. ここでのset us upはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 未来形について

    Q. Mother’s insensitivity: I have bipolar disorder and OCD. I live with my elderly mother and, for the most part, we get along well. My issue is that my mother is grossly insensitive to my need for her to not touch my food. She is not good about washing her hands after various personal activities. Last week, she started picking things off of my half of a pizza with her fingers, and I asked her to not touch my food for the umpteenth time. She claimed angrily, not for the first time, that I “play out the OCD thing to an extreme” on purpose. I do not, and I’ve worked hard to keep my OCD from being a problem for others. How can I get my mother to grasp the fact that when anyone touches my food I am unable to eat that food? I do a great deal of work for her in this house, and I don’t think that it is too much to ask that she understand and accept my needs. A: Tell her, “I’m not ‘playing out the OCD thing.’ I have OCD, which affects my life on a regular basis regardless of how much I might wish it didn’t. I’ve asked you not to touch my food, and you refuse to stop. It’s a simple request, but if you can’t honor it, then I won’t be able to eat with you.” If your mother attempts to do anything but stop touching your food—if she tries to turn this into an argument, if she tries to convince you that it’s fine for her to do this, if she tries to insist that she “just can’t remember” that you don’t want her putting her hands on your food, then simply say, “I’ve asked you not to do this. I’m going to go now,” and eat elsewhere. I’m going to go nowのところですが、http://eikaiwa.dmm.com/blog/39416/にある「【“will” が使われる場合】 話しているその場で決めた未来のことを話すとき “be going to” が使われる場合】 話している時点ですでに決まっている/予定していることを話すとき」 の説明にあてはまらない気がするのですがどうでしょうか?(I’m going to go nowは即時的に決めたような感じがするので)よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    Q. Not faking it: I am currently disabled. I’ve worked my way up to being up and about for an hour to two each day. Whenever I go out, people say the oddest things to me. Today, when I parked my car, a man came up and said suspiciously, “You don’t look disabled.” I said I just had surgery and rushed away. This happens almost any time I use my handicapped tag. Friends will tell me that I don’t look sick, or that I look great, and then take it personally when I say that I can’t go out for long or go to events. One of my best friends today asked if I had just tried increasing my pain tolerance. I never know how to respond, and knowing that these interactions are coming makes me anxious about leaving my apartment. What can I say to strangers who confront me about my disability, and to friends who don’t get it? A: This will hopefully serve as a reminder to all readers that not every disability is immediately visible, and that it’s not the job of the general public to monitor people with handicapped placards for signs that they “really” need them. You don’t owe strangers a damn thing, much less an explanation, and I’m so sorry that so many people have taken it upon themselves to demand one of you. ここでのhandicapped tagのtagはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、taken it upon themselves to demand one of youはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?of youのofは「~から」でしょうか?of off youとも言えるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I have more than once had sex, or gone further than I was really comfortable going with men, for the sake of preserving their feelings, or because I felt I had already taken things too far to back out. Almost all of my female friends have a similar story. How do I convince myself that I don’t need to have sex with someone to protect their feelings? And how do I find the words to politely end a sexual encounter after I become uncomfortable? —Opting Out (相談に対する回答)Unlearning the message that you are responsible, as a woman, for making a man feel always comfortable is the work of a lifetime! The language itself is fairly simple and straightforward. There are dozens of ways to politely stop a sexual encounter: “Thanks for a nice evening, but I’m not feeling a connection, so I’m going to go home”; “I’m not comfortable with this anymore; let’s stop”; “I’m not coming in, good night.” The bigger problem, which you’ve already identified, is overriding the voice in your brain that says Oh my God, I couldn’t possibly say that, even if it were true. He’d be so offended, and I’d hurt his pride, and what if he tried to point out that I seemed to be having a good time earlier? 1 I’m going to go homeはI will go homeまたはI'm going homeとも言えるでしょうか?違いは何でしょうか? 2 I’m not coming in,はどのような意味でしょうか? 3 overriding the voiceはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

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  • until 7 most nights

    I am a stay-at-home mom with a 2-year-old toddler. My husband has a 13-year-old son with his ex. We have a restraining order against her after she threatened me while I was pregnant. Right now, my stepson lives with us full time and only has supervised visits with his mother. He used to be a sweet, shy kid, but now I am afraid of him. My stepson has anger issues and is 6 inches taller than me. He has cursed at me, broken plates, and left holes in walls. I don’t trust him near my daughter. My husband is trying, but he can’t be home until 7 most nights. until 7 most nightsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I am getting married next spring, and my fiancé and I are very excited to move to the next phase of our relationship. Wedding planning has been surprisingly easy, save for my mother. My mother has an opinion on everything in that she wants everything to involve her. She wants to pick out music for her to be seated to. pick out music for her to be seated toの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • 現在完了形について

    “Eric” and I were together for five years and had a horrible breakup a year ago. While we were together I grew very close to his daughter “Amy,” and she to me. Amy’s mom has not been in the picture for many years. Amy took our breakup badly, and pretty much took my side in everything. We’ve kept in touch and often done things together since Eric and I split. We basically don’t discuss him. I last spoke to Amy early in September. Since then she hasn’t called or texted. I’ve tried to contact her several times, telling her I miss her and asking about getting together. I’ve tried toはなぜ過去形ではなく現在完了形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 訳を教えてください

    Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.) I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. I had to have done something cruel for him to do thisの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Before it fell into ruin Stonehenge must have had much of the grandeur of an Egyptian temple, which, despite its circu-iar shape, in some ways it resembles, and that it was temple there can be little doubt. Surrounded by a ditch and bank, it stood, as it were, upon a plinth, complete, classical in its iso-lation, and Neolithic worshippers on its perimeter would watch the procession of priests about the ambulatory, and the great trilithons. It would be not unlike watching the performance of a play, and perhaps Stonehenge is the prototype of the 'round' in which medieval miracle plays were presented, and ultimately of the ’wooden O' for which Shakespeare wrote.

  • なぜ魔法少女サイトは中国で配信停止になったのだろう

    なぜ魔法少女サイトは中国で配信停止になったのだろうか? アニメカテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 http://blog.esuteru.com/archives/9109933.html https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/魔法少女サイト https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_Girl_Site https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/魔法少女網站 Why did the magical girls website stop being delivered in China? 为什么神奇的女孩网站不再在中国交付?

    • 加藤
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  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Maybe I should try some instead of spaghetti some-time. They’d probably taste quite good with a ton of ketchup. Lollipop bounded over and ate his meal in less time than it takes a supercomputer to add two and two. I looked back at the half-eaten shoelaces.

  • vは破裂音ではないのですか?

    ネットで調べたら英語の破裂音は、[p], [t], [k], [b], [d], [g]の6語となっていますが、 [v]は破裂音ではないのでしょうか? 「have to」を「ハフタ」と発音するのは、破裂音の脱落とは違うのですか? vをなぜ破裂音に含めないのか、ご存知の方がいましたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

    • da23
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  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    Hello, sorry about that; unfortunately our old captcha bypass has been patched so the recaptcha you see here will come up randomly. It may not always be the case as you noticed so there is a bit of luck involved. Currently there is no bypass (for any bot) on the market, but we will definitely add it in as soon as it becomes available!

    • ik2
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  • インドの神様は名前の後ろにヤントラと付くのはなぜで

    インドの神様は名前の後ろにヤントラと付くのはなぜですか? ヤントラってどういう意味ですか? ○○ヤントラ神と言います。 日本でガネーシャはガネーシャ神と言うが、インド人はガネーシャヤントラ神と言います。シヴァ神もシヴァヤントラ神と言う。

  • インド語の質問!

    インド語の質問! 挨拶のナマステーとナマスカールの違いはなんですか?

  • 英訳をお願いできますでしょうか。

    今契約書の翻訳をしているのですが、どうしても二箇所わかりません。 助けていただけますでしょうか。 1)財務情報のところにある文章です。 Omit this part if 2-year audited financial statements and the most recent interim statements including prior year comparisons are submitted. 2)こちらは信用照会先のところです。 Please list other firm with whom you have been granted credit in the magnitude that you are requesting from us すみません、よろしくお願いいたします。

    • Eidddw
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  • 「~してくれる」の言い方

    「分かってくれますか?」 「覚えててくれたんだ!」 「ご飯作ってくれるの?」 「掃除してくれたんだね」 などの、「くれる、くれた」の部分は英語でどのように表せばよいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    “I call the police”, I thought. I quickly grabbed the phone and dialed the emergency number.”Help!” I said. “It’s eaten my wife.” The wire had been torn from the wall. Now I understood why cordless telephones were so popular. I made a mental note to order a few dozen the next day. Suddenly the thing pounced on me. One moment, my $128 Regals had laces, the next moment they were slip-ones. Just then, my wife walked in.”Haven’t you fed Lollipop yet?” she asked .”Lollipop,”I thought. Anyone who names a baby wolf Lollipop deserves to be eaten alive. She took out a packet of my favorite breakfast cereal and poured some into a big bowl. Lollipop bounded over and ate his meal in less time than it takes a supercomputer to add two and two. “So he eaten Glanola too, does he?” I said with respect. I looked back at the half-time. They’d probably taste quite good with a ton of ketchup. “That’s not Granola,”said my wife. “It’s Superchunk. Dog food. And Lollipop isn’t a he, she ‘s a she.”

  • 英語で、電車の「四号車」とは、なんて言えば良いです


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