【I】My father' s generation made many mistakes. Terrible things for Asian people particularly.
The worst mistake they did was that they sent Zero fighters to Hawaii.
Our generation changed the strategy. We are sending JAL to occupy Hawaii.
【II】“What is the best way to live in this world?"
“Work for American company,live in British house,eat Chinese meais,
and get married with Jaspanese wife."
“Guess what. What is the worst way to live in this world?"
“Work for Chinese company,live in Japanese house, eat British meals,and get married with
American wife."
【III】Best samurai exhibition was held in front of Syougun. No.3 samurai took out a fly
and released him. The fly was flying ZZZZZZ. Then he used samurai sword once “Ei!"
The one wing of the fly fell and the fly fell too. Every audience applauded.
“Pati,pati,pati!!!" No.2 samurai took out a fly and released him.
The fly was flying ZZZZZZ. Then he used samurai sword twice “Ei Ya!"
The two wings of the fly fell and the fly fell too.
Every audience applauded. “Pati,pati,pati!!!" No.1 samurai took out a fly and released him.
The fly was flying ZZZZZZ. Then he used samurai sword once “Ei!"
The fly was still flying. Syougun got angry.“You missed!" The No.1 samurai said.
“No,no,no,His Majesty. The fly cannot make love anyone."