• ベストアンサー

添削: 技術英語の翻訳

以下の日本文を翻訳したのですが、添削というか、こうしたらいいというアドバイスをいただけないでしょうか? 「本ソフトウエアは、製品Aの各種構成機器の設定およびモニタを行うためのソフトウエアです。装備時および装備後の動作確認、不具合発生時の原因究明時に使用します。それぞれに別々な9本のソフトウエアで構成され、ランチャソフトウエアにより切り替えて使用します。」 This software is intended for use in the setting and the monitoring of any components constituting the product A, especially when there is any need to mount them, to check their operations after their mounting, or to pursue the cause(s) of malfunction(s), if any. The software consists of nine individual parts by function and can be switched among them from the launcher software.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bartleby
  • ベストアンサー率32% (40/122)

This software serves the purpose of enabling the setting and monitoring of the various components of software A. It is used during and after installation to check on correct functionality and fault tracing in case of errors or problems occurring. The software comprises of 9 individual software modules which can be activated and switched using the launcher software.





その他の回答 (1)

  • akdawn
  • ベストアンサー率48% (37/77)

何の機械なのか分かりかねますので 的確なことは申し上げられませんが ご参考までになるべく原文はそのままに英文の誤りとアドバイスを大文字で載せさせていただきます。 This software is intended TO use FOR the setting and the monitoring of any components OF the product A, especially to check their operations after THE INSTALLATION, AND to EXAMINE the cause of ANY malfunctions. The software consists of nine programs each designed for its particular component and can be switched among them WITH the launcher software.

